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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dallas Cowboys Head Coach Gets Fired

Jason Garrett

The Dallas Cowboys fired their head coach Wade Phillips. The Cowboys are one and seven. This is the worst start in the history of the Cowboys franchise. The Cowboys new coach is Jason Garrett. He was their offensive coordinator. The Cowboys have have never changed coaches in the middle of a season before.

I think the Cowboys will do better now that they have a new coach. Jason Garrett has never been a head coach before. He is the first former Cowboys player to become  a head coach for Dallas. Owner-general manager Jerry Jones thinks that Garrett will do a good job and I think the Cowboys will start winning games.


  1. This is cool Eric. I look forward to hearing your takes on sports. It sounds like you like the new coach. So far, so good for Garrett. He is undefeated as a head coach!
